Thursday, July 10, 2008


There haven't been a lot of updates from the world of EC lately, so it might seem odd that I'm suing this opportunity to write about something I didn't do, rather than something I did do.It was tough, but I managed to avoid my 20th high school reunion. Normally, avoiding a high school reunion is not such a tough thing for me to do, since I see, or at least have some type of contact with, everyone I graduated with that I care to keep in touch with on occasion, and it doesn't cost me $120 to eat appetizers and listen to music I hated the first time around played very loudly by an obnoxious DJ. But this year, I almost made it, mainly because my best friend was driving out from Oregon with his family to attend and had offered to stay at my house, since I live in the same town where the reunion was to take place. Unfortunately, (for the most part), Mrs. E.C. got sick near the date of the reunion, and that was the final push for me to stay home.

"Oh no, honey, you're under the weather, we must not risk venturing out of the house and having your condition worsen, which is a distinct possibility if you are exposed to bad 80s music and a bunch of people I didn't care for too much 20 years ago," I told her.
Mrs. EC, who usually doesn't put up with too much of my BS, was happy to stay home and recuperate on this occasion, since she was probably even more averse to attending the fiasco than I was.

, I did get to see my best friend and his family. While he did make it to the reunion and didn't have a horrible time, he didn't exactly leave me kicking myself that I had missed out on the fun. For the time being, I'm trying to arrange a get-together with a few of my other friends from the class of 88 who somehow, someway, like me, found a way to avoid the reunion. When we do get together, I can guarantee that there will be no drunken singalongs to 'Living on a Prayer.'

If that does happen, I will have to seriously reevaluate some 30-year friendships.

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Blogger David Sullivan said...

I can proudly say I have avoided all of my reunions. I even avoided one that was being held at Northampton CC where I was running the bar. I showed up and watched some drunken dancing from the kitchen window. I did manage to say hi to a few folks I hadn't seen in a long time, but did not want to cozy up to people that were douchebags to everyone for 4 years. I may be lots of things, but not a hypocrite.

8:46 AM  

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