Sunday, December 20, 2009

The weekend that was

We are almost recovered from our Saturday out in the belly of the beast, also known as the Market Basket on the Saturday before Christmas and the day before a snow storm. Oddly enough, it was far from the worst I have ever seen the place. Sure, negotiating the corners around the aisles still took nerves of steel, stopping to spend more than three seconds in any one spot meant some nearsighted 90 year old would ram a carriage up your ass, and a sleeping bag was probably still needed= if you were going to take a number at the deli, but over all, it was not the apocalyptic end of days I was expecting. Still, even the best of days at the Market Basket can leave you scrambling to figure out just how much whiskey you have left in the cupboard when you get home.

Just some other randomness to throw out there, as the year comes to its natural calendar-imposed conclusion, it seems as good a time as any to make lists, take stock, look ahead, look back, etc., etc., etc. Not tonight, but there should be enough evergreen topics to grasp onto in the coming weeks. (I know somebody in the EC household loves the resolutions.)

Stopped by the Used Book Superstore (in the Market Basket plaza, by the way) the other day, and picked up a couple books for the unbeatable low price of $1.99 each. The UB Superstore isn't the sort of place you necessarily go when you are looking for a specific title, but with a pretty big selection and way cheap prices, it's hard to not find something worthwhile. This week, I picked up Adventures in the Buddha, an anthology of western writers who have gone to the East to study Buddhism, and a Donald Hall poetry anthology. Once again, poetry, religion, both fertile topics for future episodes, but not tonight.


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